A Celebration Of 23 Years In Business!
August was a special month for VeriForm – on August 1st, this metal fabrication company with a penchant for high-quality service and a passion for environmental conservation celebrated 23 years in business!
For more than two decades, VeriForm has applied its steadfast business philosophies to provide customers with superior manufacturing and metal fabrication services. From their 26,000 sq ft. facility in Cambridge, VeriForm has manufactured custom parts for mining, forestry and machine-building sectors. Whatever is required – precision plasma cutting, bending, rolling, welding – VeriForm’s CNC machining is innovative, modern, up to date and always up to the task.
VeriForm has also established a reputation as both an environmental advocate and a company dedicated to giving back to and creating a sustainable community. Since 2006, VeriForm has implemented sustainability improvements that have cut back on carbon emissions and saved the company over $2 million dollars. These savings have since been passed on to customers and the community in terms of improved production prices and creating a sustainable future. Since then, VeriForm has continued to invest in energy-saving projects, ensuring the growth of the company through lowering annual operating costs. This regard for the environment has also enmeshed VeriForm as part of the community.
For 23 years, VeriForm has succeeded through its commitment to 3 core values: community, sustainability, and education. VeriForm also believes that improvement and success are not finite – in order to continue being leaders in providing precision metal fabricating, the trajectory of the company must be viewed as a journey. A journey in which Veriform will constantly innovate, improve, and renew its partnership with customers and the community.
At its core, VeriForm’s guiding philosophy has been to run a good, honest business. Here’s to another 23 years of excellent customer service, superior product and process, and remaining a cut above the rest!